Online Education Center

Dating and Domestic Violence (IPV) on Campus What Campus Law Enforcement Need to Know

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The goals, objectives, overview of the training are: 

1. Discuss definitions & dynamics of domestic & dating violence on campus
2. Identify common misperceptions regarding this form of violence
3. Identify campus, state, and federal policies
4. Outline needed response areas for campus law to intervene and prevent further violence
5. Define the characteristics and motivation of perpetrators

This project was supported by Grant No. 2018-TA-AX-K022 awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in this publication/program/exhibition are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women.


Las metas, objetivos, descripción general de la capacitación son:

1. Discutir las definiciones y la dinámica de la violencia doméstica y de pareja en el campus
2. Identificar percepciones erróneas comunes sobre esta forma de violencia.
3. Identificar las políticas federales, estatales y del campus
4. Delinear las áreas de respuesta necesarias para que la ley del campus intervenga y prevenga más violencia
5. Definir las características y la motivación de los agresores.

Este proyecto ha sido financiado por la Beca No. 2018-TA-AX-K022 premiada por la Delegación de Gobierno en Contra de la Violencia de la Mujer, Departamento de Justicia. Las opiniones, hechos, conclusiones, y recomendaciones por parte del autor o autores que aparecen en este documento no representan necesariamente al Departamento de Justicia, Oficina de Violencia contra la Mujer.


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  4. If you are not an IACLEA member or do not have login credentials, click on Get Started and follow the steps to create your free account
  5. If at any time you have problems logging in or creating an account please contact IACLEA Support at 855-4-IACLEA (855) 442-2532 or by e-mail at
  6. To access the content once you are logged in, click on Training by Type and then click on OVW Campus Program Training


Troubleshooting Tips

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  2. Can’t Re-enter the Training:  If you leave and are having trouble returning, log out of the Online Education Center completely (close any browser from which you tried to access the site). Clear your browser history, specifically the cookies and cache. Once that is done, log back into the Online Education Center and try again. [Instructions to clear browser history (cookies and cache) ]
  1. Contact Neil Singleton or Josh Bronson


  1. Vaya a la pagina
  2.  Haga clic en Iniciar Sesión
  3.  Si es miembro del IACLEA o ya se ha registrado anteriormente en el programa IACLEA, acceda con sus credenciales
  4.  Si no es miembro del IACLEA o no tiene sus credenciales para registrarse, haga click en COMENZAR y siga los pasos que se indican para crear gratuitamente su cuenta no dude en ponerse en contacto con el Equipo de Soporte IACLEA al 855-4-IACLEA (855) 442-2532 o por e-mail a
  5. Para acceder al contenido una vez que se haya registrado, haga click en Tipo de Formación y después haga clic en el Programa de Formación del Campus OVW


Guía Solución de Problemas

  1. Navegador: Por favor use Firefox, Chrome, Edge, o Safari. Por favor, no use Internet Explorer 11
  2. No puedo volver a entrar en el Curso: Si decide salirse y tiene problemas a la hora de volver al curso, salga completamente del Centro de Educación Online (cierre cualquier navegador abierto que esté utilizando para acceder al sitio). Cierre el historial del explorador, especialmente las cookies y el caché. Inicie sesión de nuevo dentro del Centro de Educación Online e inténtelo de nuevo. [Aquí encontrar una guía clara de cómo cerrar el historial del explorador (cookies y el caché) 
  3. Contacte con Neil Singleton o Josh Bronson

Jennifer Landhuis, M.S.

Director of the Stalking Prevention, Awareness, and Resource Center (SPARC)

Jennifer is the Director of the Stalking Prevention, Awareness, and Resource Center (SPARC), a project of AEquitas. SPARC is an initiative aimed at ensuring first responders and other allied professionals have the specialized knowledge to identify and respond to the crime of stalking. SPARC also provides the tools, resources, and support needed to promote victim safety and offender accountability in stalking cases. Jennifer has been an advocate and educator on the issues of stalking, domestic violence, and sexual assault for 22 years and has her Masters of Science degree in Criminal Justice.

Kelly Mihalik

Title IX investigator, University of Tennessee

Kelly Mihalik serves the University of Tennessee, Office of Student Conduct & Community Standards as a Title IX investigator.  Prior to joining the office, she worked as a police officer at the University of Tennessee Police Department for eight years, leaving as a Corporal in the Investigations Unit and serving as the primary sexual assault investigator for the department.  As a police officer, she developed and taught classes on a trauma-informed response to sexual violence throughout the state of Tennessee.  Kelly earned her undergraduate degree in sociology from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

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